What not to do on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the first points of contact potential employers and clients will have with your company. Small mistakes or overlooked opportunities can make the difference in creating a professional and memorable impression online.

Some common errors inhibiting an impactful Linkedin presence are provided below.

An inactive and out-of-date account
A LinkedIn page that is not regularly updated is a missed opportunity. Potential customers, clients and employees are less likely to engage in with a page that appears abandoned. The best way to keep posts up to date is through status updates, sharing relevant topics in your professional field and publishing content giving insight into the achievements and environment of your workplace.

A lack of employee engagement
A LinkedIn page that doesn’t capitalise on the network of their employees is one that fails to expand their bank of connections. Employees offer a valuable possibility for free promotion of your business. Encourage your staff to engage online with your company’s LinkedIn profile when they post about what they do in the workplace.

Not paying attention to keywords
LinkedIn is a search engine that operates off catchwords. A profile that fails to recognise their importance may make themselves invisible to useful business connections.

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